Just in case you're wondering who in the
world this Kuntree person is, I'll fill you in a bit. I'm also known as
Jus Kuntree, but my real name is Deah. Are you confused yet? LOL
I live in southeastern Kansas, on part
of the farm I grew up on. Our home sits on the backside of a 40 acre hay
meadow, on a rise, so we have quite a good view in all directions. The
downside of being up higher, is that we catch every bit of wind that blows,
and Kansas can be very windy! I used to come up to the meadow on the 4th of
July every year, to watch the fireworks going off in surrounding towns. I
still do that, but now I watch from my front yard, or even through the windows.
We have lots of critters on our place.
I seem to kind of "collect" them. Sometimes I feel like we live in a zoo, but
that's ok! It keeps life interesting, and entertaining! Feeding time can be
a bit noisy with all the quacking, oinking, baaing, whinnying, barking, and honking going on. There's
nothing like having feathers, fur, and bristles, wrapped around your ankles
as you try to walk!
I have an awesome husband and family. We
have two grown children, and four wonderful grandchilren. We've been blessed.
I stay at home due to health issues, but I don't lack for things to keep me
occupied. When we can, my husband and I like to go fishing and camping. I
get a lot of computer time in, as I belong to an awesome group called the
Garden Of Friendship where
I'm a Garden Keeper. I also like to play in PSP, work on webpages, crochet, photography, crafts, bird watching, reading, a little gardening
when I'm able, and I am a weather junkie!
If you would like to have a blinkie like this one, please visit Frooty
She has lots of awesome blinkies to choose from!
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