Diversity, what a nice word! It keeps life interesting
for sure! I sometimes am asked what I do if I get bored? You gotta be kiddin!
Boredom is not something I suffer from! There's always something to see, do,
try, even if it's just kicking back and relaxing.
Sometimes just taking the time to sit
and soak up the surroundings is the best thing to do. Get in touch with
the things around you, really see them, and enjoy! Look, feel, listen, smell, and savor! Here's a few
other tidbits from my world
Cutting hay in our meadow.
Red Cedar loaded with berries
Although they are called cedar trees, they are actually a juniper, thus, these are juniper berries.
Sunset at the end of a stormy day
Colorful toadstools nestled among the woods
And another
Well hi there!
Fun is fishin with your sister
And your husband
Ahhh....here's one of those moments...havin a chat with the ducks, geese, and turkeys.
And grandkids catchin their first fish
State Record Fish
Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve
Woody Plants In Kansas
Keep smilin, and God bless!